
This website is managed by Thuboco SRL, whose registered office is located at BE-1000 Brussels, Square des Nations 15, BCE BE0465915546, hereinafter "the Company".

Privacy Policy

Processing of personal data: each user accessing and using this website and the Company's electronic messages expressly agrees to this privacy policy. When you visit this website and communicate personal data to the Company, you expressly authorise the Company to collect this information, use it and process it in accordance with the purposes described. If the processing of data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw it at any time and without having to state the reason. The Company also has the right to collect and collate your personal data for as long as it is necessary to comply with an obligation imposed by law, to fulfil a contract to which you are a party, to fulfil its tasks, to guarantee your vital interest or to defend a justified interest of the Company.

The Company processes the following personal data: (i) The data that each user expressly mentions such as first name, surname, e-mail address, date of birth, address, contact details, messages, etc., is processed by the Company. (ii) Automatically collected data such as the user's IP address, the type of browser and operating system of the user's computer, and other automatically generated information regarding the visit to the website; (iii) During the visit to the website, 'cookies' may be placed on the user's computer so that the website can better respond to the users' wishes and preferences. Acceptance of cookies is not compulsory; each user may at any time, through the settings of their browser, refuse to allow cookies to be placed on their computer, receive a warning before cookies are installed or delete cookies from their computer at the end of each browsing session. Each user is required to consult the instructions of his or her web browser.

Personal data concerning each user is processed for the purpose of operating the website, analysing the visit, sending newsletters, maintaining relations and processing requests and following up on them.

Right of access and rectification and changes to the privacy policy: each user has the right to consult and rectify their personal data at any time. To this end, he or she may send a dated request by referring to the contact details below. This request must be accompanied by a copy of the identity card. Any changes to the privacy policy will be published on this page. Each user is obliged to consult this page regularly.

Contact: for further information regarding the privacy policy and the exercise of their right to consult and rectify data concerning them, each user may contact the Company by sending an e-mail to webmaster@thuysbaert.be.


These terms and conditions apply to the use of www.thuysbaert.be (hereinafter referred to as "the Website"). By accessing and using the Website, each user agrees to accept and comply with these conditions.

For any access to and use of the Website, each user agrees not to use the Website illegally, for example for the transmission or posting of viruses or illegal or illegitimate or inappropriate material. He or she also undertakes not to use the Website or parts of it in a way that would infringe any rights such as, among others, but not exclusively, the rights of the Company and third parties in the field of intellectual property.

All software, databases, texts, photos, films, images, data, names, trade names, domain names, trademarks, sketches, models, logos and other information appearing on the Website (hereinafter "the Information") are protected by intellectual property rights belonging to the Company or third parties. Without the prior written consent of the Company, the Information may not be reproduced (except in the case of temporary reproduction of a transitory or occasional nature for the purpose of legitimate use, without independent economic value), modified, published, distributed or sent, sold, made available or otherwise transferred or granted any rights to third parties in respect of the Information.

In the event of infringement of any other right of the Company or third parties (including partners of the Company, authors and assigns of Information presented on the Website) as a result of the use of this Website or parts thereof, the user shall indemnify the Company and all third parties and also hold them harmless from any claims, damages or liability of any kind, including consequential damages, resulting therefrom.

It is possible that the Information that is offered through the Website or a message may be erroneous or incomplete. The Company makes every effort to work with optimum accuracy, but does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, punctuality, precision or other properties of the Information. The Information is provided without any form of guarantee whatsoever. The Company accepts no responsibility for viruses or other information that may harm the user or third parties and for any damage that this may cause.

The Website may contain links to third party websites or web pages or refer to them in some other way. The Company has no control over the content of these websites or web pages and accepts no responsibility for their content or characteristics. The fact that the Company places links also does not imply any approval of their content.

Applicable legislation and competent courts: Belgian law applies to the Website, with the exception of other binding legal provisions. In the event of a dispute, only the courts of the district of Brussels are competent.

Photo Credits

© 2018, ED

For all other photos, the copyright belongs to the Company.

Copyright © 2020 Thuboco SRL. All rights expressly reserved.

Contactez-moi pour en savoir plus sur ma vision et ma démarche.
